Five months ago today I was faced with the reality that my life would never be quite the same. My six-year-old cousin Mason unexpectedly died. My heart broke.
I told my mom that most of my blog contains posts that say "I haven't posted in a while" or "I'm obsessed with music" or "I'm tired" . She responded by asking me what I would like to read if I was reading the blog of another girl my age. Well of course I would want to read all of her juiciest, deepest, darkest secrets. (I just love deep, dark secrets. Mwahahahahahahaha). That's what I'd like to read and I'm sure you all would too. But no, I'm not putting out all of my secrets on the world wide web. And besides, most of my readers are probably people I know so that's awkward. And my mom previews all my posts before I post them so again, even more awkward. Oh yes, something funny to talk about. Awkward. If you were to ask one of my close friends what my favorite word (or the word I say the most) they would, beyond a shadow of a doubt, say awkward. When I'm with my friends, I say awkward a lot. I...
This month, err, um, last month, has been a whirlwind and I have so much to tell you. But where to start? Wow. Ok. I think I last posted sometime in October. Well I have been insanely busy and God has been insanely good!! (Well, God is always good). In the middle of November was my production week for my play. That was a very stressful and intense week and it was truly God who brought me through it. First of all, I was really stressed out about my show at the end of the week. I was desperately trying to stay healthy through it and praise God I didn't get sick!! Then my dog almost died. At two in the morning on Monday night, November 16, (well technically Tuesday) Charlie started having a seizure and my parents called the vet. Then after it was over he was fine for the rest of the night. (I was asleep through all of it). Tuesday morning my dad took Charlie t...
This is for real. I think. So far. Maybe I can actually really be back for good. So…….hi:) Yeah. Ok Grace, you can do this. After that intensely boring intro I can finally begin. When did I last write besides a little earlier this week? So I told you about my vacation mishap. Oh and my summer was insanely boring. But despite that, life is good. God is good. Well, God is always good no matter what! So I changed my instagram account from @_bookworms_unite to @quotes_in.spire_ so now it's inspiring quotes, song lines, etc. (Be sure to go and follow -> ). Tonight our neighborhood is holding a movie night at the park. Let's just hope I don't get devoured alive by whatever mosquitos remain. I'm a real attraction to mosquitos but I'm sure you weren't dying to know that. Oh I started going to youth group in March. Actually it's tomorrow nigh...
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